I sometimes think about my high school years, and how differently that time could have been, if only I knew the things I know now (obviously). Maybe my mom tried to tell me vital information that would've help me along the way, and I was such a "know it all" that I didn't listen.
When I think back at certain problems that (I thought) I had, I can see now that I handled myself totally wrong. I know that it's all part of growing up and becoming who you are, but I really felt clueless and awkward- ALL THE TIME!
So there are a few things I will make sure my daughters will know:
Love Who You Are
There will always be someone prettier, smarter and/or wealthier than you — no matter what. So learn to love who you are, and do your best to not compete for the impossible.
You Are Loved
You're parents and Heavenly Father love you more that you will ever know, or imagine. Only when you have children of your own will you start to comprehend this.
Character Counts
You can't always control what happens in your life, but you can control how you react to it. And it's in those moments that you get to figure out who you are—and how much it matches up with who you want to be.
Don’t Limit Who You Date
Forget about dating your “type.” You'll keep getting stuck with the same guy over and over again, only in slightly different packages. Instead, give yourself the chance to be surprised by someone who is a "type" you had never considered before — one you may not have even known existed.
Tune Out The Hate
Don't worry about what others think of you... It really won't matter when you're 30.
Be More Involved
Find at least one thing you are passionate about, and put your energy into that. You'll have less time to worry, be bored, or to think negative thoughts.
They really do come and go. Don't put everything you've got on someone that will be gone and took your heart with him. But if that day comes when you experience heartache, DON'T BE SO DRAMATIC!
You Get What You Give
True happiness is not something to eventually attain but to love where you are right now because this is where you need to be…
I have my happy, and I am exactly where I am suppose to be. I love my husband, I love my girls, and I love my life.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The things my girls will know
Saturday, July 17, 2010
My Sisters

My whole life I've always felt something was missing because I didn't have a sister. My two best friends growing up were sisters and they always came over to play together, fought together, and walked home together. They were my best friends, but they were each others best friend.
I'm having another baby girl, and I am so grateful my girls will have that bond, and love, and relationship that I always wanted. I'm so glad that I will get to experience that with them and watch how they will grow up together, hate each other at times, but always love each other.
It never occurred to me that I was going to have an abundance of sister IN LAWS, to help fill that slot of a biological sister, and I couldn't have asked for better ones! i can hang out, shop, vent to, and cry. If i ever needed anything, there is not a doubt in my mind that all I would need to do is pick up the phone. I love these girls and they are my sisters.
So now that I am grown, and have many sister-in-laws, and will have 2 little girls to be my best friends, I don't feel like I'm missing out on that connection anymore. I have everything I have ever wanted...it just took me longer to get it, which makes me appreciate it even more!
Monday, July 20, 2009
She's here

ok, so I've been really busy since Laila was born and haven't taken the time to update the blog. So if you were wondering, she is here, and as beautiful as ever! Laila turned 6 months old yesterday, and weighs a whopping 22lbs.!! i love every roll on her little body.
On July, 11th we all got sealed together, and it was one of the best days of my life; always will be. Laila wasn't too crazy about me leaving her in the nursery at the temple and she let me know that i wasn't EVER allowed to leave her again, for any amount of time. But it was a beautiful day, and Katherine Bishop got some really great pictures of us.
I've been working at the office with Barry and i really am enjoying it. i love that laila gets to see her daddy and be with me all day. Barry is already wanting to fire me though, so if you need a job you can apply at 521 Titus in Gilmer! just kidding...sorta.
N'Anna (my mom Anna) left on Thursday to go back to Utah. She was here a week and finally got to meet Laila. She loved her and wanted to kiss every inch of squishy body but the feelings weren't mutual. See, Laila doesn't really like anybody except her mom and dad, but I'm hoping that will change pretty soon. I'm in desperate need of a date night, without the baby. i sure do love my dates with her too.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
been awhile!
Brenten and Grandpa with the sparklers
our 1 year anniversary photo
Barry's Graduation
Graduation Banquet
My gigantically swollen feet, they have stopped swelling now but it was a miserable 3 weeks when they were HUGE!
several things have happened since i've last blogged so ill just go down the list.
1. pregnancy-for those of you that are on the count down with me, we are now in the negatives. -10 days to be exact. my mind is one tracked right now and all i can think about is how far apart my contractions are and hoping "it's going to happen tonight!" so far ive been let down so many times that im giving up. she really will come when i least expect it.
2. Barry's graduation- He (we) finally made it!! I have been waiting for this day for nearly 6 years. i cant even put into words the joy it has been to have him out of school. i boo hooed through the entire graduation because all i could think about was how much our lives were going to change, for the better.
3. Moving home- It has turned out to be so much more enjoyable than i expected. i love making the house a home and having Barry here with me. im so happy that this is where we will raise our family. Im still getting adjusted to not being able to get anything i could possible need on the street that i live on, and having to expect to see someone i know every time i go to town. Which means i have to actually care what i look like if i dont want Barry to kill over from embarrassment.
4. Christmas- This was such a nice Christmas this year. My mom was here from Utah for 3 weeks hoping that i would have Laila before she had to leave on Jan. 2nd. We spent Christmas Eve at my grandmas eating some delicious dinner and on Christmas Day we hate a gigantic breakfast at Barry's moms. Barry did wonderful as usual and got me a pair of diamond earings that i've always wanted. I dont know what i did to deserve him but it must have been in my previous life!
5. New Year's Eve/ Our 1 Year Anniversary- It started out at my dads with some good food, as usual, and watched the firework show put on by my brothers. note- a sparkler bomb really does work. i love that i get to spend my anniversary watching fireworks every year. Then we went over to Denny and Jaime's where we watched some rock band.
My next post better be on my sweet little angel that is loving being inside me way too much!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
8 Months and Going Strong

I've made it to 8 months! i cant believe I'm still going to get bigger! i think I've reached my max. I officially can't tie my shoes without the bow being on the side of my foot, and Barry has to push me off of the couch when i want to get up. Laila is getting so big and strong that she's starting to punch my ribs instead of just nudge. I had an appointment last Friday and they said we were both very healthy that it's not necessary to come as often as scheduled. She's already head down and ready to go!
I'm getting nervous about all the changes that about to take place. I'm not ready for everything to be so drastically different at once. I don't know how life will be with Barry out of school, living in Gilmer, putting the house back together, finding land and getting an office built for Barry to practice in, all while having a brand new baby...ooooohhh the stress. We're blessed though, so I know it will all work out.
*side note- I'm sitting at work and a 25 year old guy just came in that had turned in a job application last week and gave me his medical records that says he is capable to work. He was in a car accident in 2004 and had severe brain damage and now he is borderline retarded and can hardly speak. It's the holidays and he really needs a job; i know nobody will hire him :`( my heart just melted on the floor and i need a mop for all my tears...yes I'm pregnant. Like i said, WE ARE BLESSED!
I'm getting nervous about all the changes that about to take place. I'm not ready for everything to be so drastically different at once. I don't know how life will be with Barry out of school, living in Gilmer, putting the house back together, finding land and getting an office built for Barry to practice in, all while having a brand new baby...ooooohhh the stress. We're blessed though, so I know it will all work out.
*side note- I'm sitting at work and a 25 year old guy just came in that had turned in a job application last week and gave me his medical records that says he is capable to work. He was in a car accident in 2004 and had severe brain damage and now he is borderline retarded and can hardly speak. It's the holidays and he really needs a job; i know nobody will hire him :`( my heart just melted on the floor and i need a mop for all my tears...yes I'm pregnant. Like i said, WE ARE BLESSED!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Yamboree 2008
The Yamboree has come and gone and now the sadness has set in. I wait all year to just smell the yamboree air, and taste the corny dogs, funnel cakes, and (well not this year unfortunately) ride those raggety carnival rides. I love everyting about the Yamboree, down to the sweet carni's that are required to have at least 4 teeth missing in the front.
This year was especially nice but exausting. I didnt bring tennis shoes, which is a BIG mistake because carrying around 25 extra pounds is no stroll in the park. I had my first baby shower (see below) that turned out perfect so there was some stress for no reason. Barry and I went to both parades, ate lots of greasy food, rode the ferris wheel, and soaked in the atmosphere. Next year will be a little different since Laila Marie will be here and we can take her on the carousel.
We had a great weekend and already looking forward to next year.
Baby Shower!
My wonderful friends threw me a baby shower for Laila on Saturday. It turned out beautiful and i had such a good time. Danielle W. Emily B. and Alisha H. hosted and they did such a great job. Im in love with the cute girly stuff Laila got. I woke up early on Sunday morning and went into her room to look at all her stuff again. Barry woke up next to me snuggled up with Laila's new blanket from Emily.... its so soft! Angie made me the biggest diaper cake to ever exist and Lacy made Laila lots of outfits that are so adorable!
Laila is still doing great and she is getting bigger and bigger every day! i cant wait till i can put her in all the little outfits and squeeze her little booty! im in love with her already.
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