Brenten and Grandpa with the sparklers
our 1 year anniversary photo
Barry's Graduation
Graduation Banquet
My gigantically swollen feet, they have stopped swelling now but it was a miserable 3 weeks when they were HUGE!
several things have happened since i've last blogged so ill just go down the list.
1. pregnancy-for those of you that are on the count down with me, we are now in the negatives. -10 days to be exact. my mind is one tracked right now and all i can think about is how far apart my contractions are and hoping "it's going to happen tonight!" so far ive been let down so many times that im giving up. she really will come when i least expect it.
2. Barry's graduation- He (we) finally made it!! I have been waiting for this day for nearly 6 years. i cant even put into words the joy it has been to have him out of school. i boo hooed through the entire graduation because all i could think about was how much our lives were going to change, for the better.
3. Moving home- It has turned out to be so much more enjoyable than i expected. i love making the house a home and having Barry here with me. im so happy that this is where we will raise our family. Im still getting adjusted to not being able to get anything i could possible need on the street that i live on, and having to expect to see someone i know every time i go to town. Which means i have to actually care what i look like if i dont want Barry to kill over from embarrassment.
4. Christmas- This was such a nice Christmas this year. My mom was here from Utah for 3 weeks hoping that i would have Laila before she had to leave on Jan. 2nd. We spent Christmas Eve at my grandmas eating some delicious dinner and on Christmas Day we hate a gigantic breakfast at Barry's moms. Barry did wonderful as usual and got me a pair of diamond earings that i've always wanted. I dont know what i did to deserve him but it must have been in my previous life!
5. New Year's Eve/ Our 1 Year Anniversary- It started out at my dads with some good food, as usual, and watched the firework show put on by my brothers. note- a sparkler bomb really does work. i love that i get to spend my anniversary watching fireworks every year. Then we went over to Denny and Jaime's where we watched some rock band.
My next post better be on my sweet little angel that is loving being inside me way too much!